The Energy Efficiency of Air-Cooled Chillers: A Review of Industry Standards and Best Practices

An air-cooled chiller is an important component of HVAC systems in commercial, industrial, and residential buildings. They are essential equipment in many buildings, providing the necessary cooling for various applications, including air conditioning and process cooling.

While they are crucial for creating a comfortable indoor environment, the energy efficiency of air-cooled chillers can have a significant impact on the overall energy consumption and operating costs of your ventures.

To address this, industry standards and best practices have been developed so as to promote energy efficiency in these devices.

Here we will take you through industry standards and best practices, and explore how they can be implemented to reduce energy consumption and operating costs while improving the performance of air-cooled chillers so that you can get the most out of your product.

Applications of Air-Cooled Chillers

An air-cooled chiller is used in a wide range of applications where cooling is required. Some of the most common applications of air-cooled chillers include:

●     Commercial buildings: Air-cooled chillers are commonly used in commercial buildings such as offices, hospitals, and hotels to provide cooling for the building’s HVAC system

●     Industrial processes: Air-cooled chillers are used in various industrial processes that require cooling, such as plastics manufacturing, metalworking, and chemical processing, to name a few

●     Data centers: Air-cooled chillers are commonly used in data centers to provide cooling for the servers and other electronic equipment that can get overheated

●     Food and beverage production: Air-cooled chillers are used in food and beverage production to cool ingredients, products, and processing equipment. They are mostly used in breweries, wineries, dairies, and other food-processing facilities.

●     Retail stores: Air-cooled chillers are used in retail stores to provide cooling for the building’s HVAC system and to cool diverse types of products

●     Educational facilities: Air-cooled chillers are commonly used in educational facilities such as schools and universities to provide cooling to

What Are the Environmental Implications of Air-Cooled Chillers?

Air-cooled chillers have environmental implications due to their energy consumption and the refrigerants they use.

The refrigerants used in air-cooled chillers are often hydrofluorocarbons—or HFCs, which are known to contribute to global warming. HFCs have high global warming potential (GWP) and are often used as a replacement for ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs).

While HFCs do not deplete the ozone layer, they have significant global warming potential and contribute to climate change. Therefore, the use of other less harmful refrigerants, such as propane refrigerant, becomes paramount for the preservation of the planet’s well-being.

Energy consumption is another environmental implication of air-cooled chillers. The energy required to operate air-cooled chillers is often generated by fossil fuels, which contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

Additionally, the electricity demand created by air-cooled chillers can lead to the need for new power plants, which can further increase greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.

Yet, there are ways to reduce the environmental impact of air-cooled chillers. Energy efficiency improvements can significantly reduce the amount of energy required to operate air-cooled chillers, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the need for new power plants.

Another item to consider is the use of renewable energy sources can further reduce the environmental impact of air-cooled chillers. The employment of energies such as solar or wind power provide clean energy to power air-cooled chillers, reducing overall negative impact.

Advantages of Environmentally-Friendly Air-Cooled Chiller Practices

Diminished Energy Consumption and Lower Operating Costs

Energy-efficient air-cooled chillers make use of less energy to provide the same cooling capacity as other models. By reducing energy consumption, you can potentially save money on energy bills and reduce the environmental impact.

Improved System Reliability

Proper maintenance and control of air-cooled chillers can improve general system reliability, and help identify and fix potential problems before they cause equipment failure.

Plus, control strategies can help optimize chiller operation, reducing wear and tear on the equipment and improving its lifespan in the long run.

Improved Occupant Comfort

You can be sure that if you get an air-cooled chiller you will be far more comfortable than if you do not, and so will your employees!

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Proper control and maintenance of air-cooled chillers can improve indoor air quality, as clean air filters and coils can reduce the amount of dust, pollen, and other contaminants in the air.

Less Environmental Impact

You can help reduce the environmental impact of your business! By reducing energy consumption, building owners and operators can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more sustainable built environment. All it takes is several aware people to do this simultaneously to make a solid impact.

Chiller Industry Standards

Industry standards provide guidelines for manufacturers, building owners, and operators to ensure that air-cooled chillers operate accordingly. Here are some of the most widely recognized standards for air-cooled chillers:

ASHRAE Standard 90.1

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers’ (ASHRAE) Standard 90.1 is a widely recognized standard for energy efficiency in commercial buildings. Air-cooled chillers are no exception.

This particular standard sets minimum efficiency levels for air-cooled chillers based on their type, capacity, and operating conditions.

For instance, chillers with a cooling capacity greater than 150 tons must meet a minimum efficiency level of 0.90 kW/ton.

Energy Star

Energy Star is a program established by the US Environmental Protection Agency—or EPA—to promote energy efficiency in consumer and commercial products.

Air-cooled chillers that meet Energy Star requirements are designed to consume less energy than standard models while maintaining the same level of cooling capacity.

Any properly certified Energy Star air-cooled chiller must meet specific efficiency criteria, such as a minimum energy efficiency ratio (EER) of 10.0 for chillers with a cooling capacity of fewer than 150 tons.

Generally speaking, air-cooled chillers that meet Energy Star requirements are up to 15% more energy-efficient than standard models.

AHRI 550/590

AHRI 550/590 is a certification program developed by the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) to certify the performance of air-cooled chillers.

This program tests and certifies air-cooled chillers based on their efficiency, capacity, and performance under various operating conditions.

AHRI certification ensures that the chiller operates as advertised and that its performance is consistent with industry standards. This means that you positively get what you pay for!

California Energy Commission (CEC) Title 24

This is a set of building energy efficiency standards for new construction and major renovations in California. The standards include requirements for air-cooled chillers that specify minimum efficiency levels based on diverse chiller traits.

Air-Cooled Chiller Best Practices

Here we show you some measures you can take to squeeze every degree out of your equipment:

Proper Chiller Sizing

One of the most critical factors in achieving energy efficiency in air-cooled chillers is proper sizing.

On the one hand, if you get an oversized chiller, it will cycle on and off frequently, leading to increased energy consumption and reduced equipment life.

On the other hand, undersized chillers will struggle to keep up with cooling demand and will run continuously, consuming more energy than necessary and creating more wear and tear on your machinery.

In order to properly size the chiller, you must accurately calculate the cooling load of the building, considering factors such as building size, insulation, occupancy levels, and equipment heat gain.

High-Efficiency Chillers

High-efficiency chillers are designed to consume less energy than standard models while keeping the same results.

Energy-efficient features may include variable speed drives, advanced controls, and high-efficiency compressors and heat exchangers.

As a rule of thumb, you should look for an air-cooled chiller that meets or exceeds industry standards such as ASHRAE Standard 90.1, or the Energy Star program.

Control Strategies

Control strategies can significantly reduce energy consumption in air-cooled chillers. Variable speed drives allow the chiller to adjust the cooling output based on the building’s cooling demand, which reduces energy consumption.

Control strategies can significantly reduce energy consumption in air-cooled chillers. Demand-based control or sequencing can optimize the operation of multiple chillers to reduce energy consumption while maintaining optimal building comfort levels.

Demand-based control works by continuously monitoring the building’s cooling demand and adjusting the chiller’s cooling output accordingly. This strategy ensures that the chiller operates at maximum efficiency while maintaining the desired building temperature.

Sequencing control is another strategy that optimizes the operation of multiple chillers. By sequencing the chillers’ efficiency is kicked to the maximum, so that you can ensure that the chillers operate at their optimal performance levels at all times.

For example, if one chiller is enough to meet the building’s cooling demand, the sequencing control will operate that chiller, while keeping the others in standby mode. This strategy reduces the energy consumption of the chiller system by ensuring that only the required equipment is in operation at any given time.

Maintenance and Cleaning

You ought to always perform proper maintenance and cleaning of air-cooled chillers. This is essential for maintaining their energy efficiency.

Dirty or clogged condenser coils reduce the chiller’s heat transfer efficiency and lead to increased energy consumption. You must double-check that the chiller is regularly inspected and cleaned, including the condenser and evaporator coils, compressor, and refrigerant charge.

Regular maintenance can detect and repair any faulty components or leaks, which can also reduce energy consumption and extend the life of the chiller.

Get Your Efficient Air-Cooled Chiller Here!

The efficient air-cooled chiller that complies with the most rigorous manufacturing standards is at the tip of your hands, a matter of a few clicks of the mouse away.

AMCON is a Malaysia-based company that provides air-cooled chiller solutions, parts, and equipment. Visit us at for more information.

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